Welcome to our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Resources area

Cartoon image of ethnically diverse people waving

Here you will find a valuable collection of resources aimed at promoting equality, celebrating diversity, and fostering inclusion. We have curated a range of materials, including informative articles, inspiring videos, and practical guides that can help you better:

  1. Engage and collaborate with communities and people from an ethnic minority background to design culturally competent and tailored approaches to healthcare delivery.
  2. Understand and combat discrimination and address health inequalities.

This page serves as an introduction to some key topics within EDI and is not an exhaustive guide. These resources will support you in starting your journey towards becoming a more inclusive pharmacy professional.

If you need further assistance or wish to provide feedback about this page, please contact us at pharmacy.london@hee.nhs.uk

Course image E-Learning
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

E-learning resources aimed to raise awareness and develop understanding of different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.

Course image Health Inequalities
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

You can access resources to help enhance your knowledge of health inequalities.

Course image Transgender Healthcare
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Compiled is a list of online resources providing information and guidance on transgender healthcare.

Course image Media
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Increase your awareness with media materials celebrating and educating about EDI.

Course image Other Resources
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Discover additional resources to enhance awareness about EDI.